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The Green Party US candidate Jill Stein wins only 1.07% of the popular vote and membership remains stagnant.

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The ASGP became the Green Party of the United States (GPUS) and filed for national status with the Federal Election Commmission.

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ASGP candidates, Nader/LaDuke appeared on 44 ballots for the presidential election and won 2.7% of the popular vote.

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Party members disagreed on organization's priorities. The Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) formed out of the members who wanted to go national.

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1st meeting of state organized Green Parties held in St. Paul, Minnesota where the 10 Key Values were adopted, forming the Green Committees of


This diagram illustrates the ways how the new Green projects are positioned within society. They are distributed in the spaces relating to government, business, and education. A secondary distribution shows how the projects aim to impact people on the individual, community, or societal level.


Green is a MFA graphic design student rebranding project that evolved from the Green Party United States. For this project, we took a dive into the essence of the Green Party US and researched ways that we could revitalize and transform the organization into a more effective and bolder organization. New strategies, a new logo, and a new future was envisioned in which Green would thrive. Our new mission is to work together to sustain a civil society by revitalizing our natural resources and maintaining the world's natural order. With the new Green, change is able to exist in more spaces and impact more people.

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Student project to rebrand and restructure the dying organization to champion the 10 Key Values of which it was founded on.

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